I could have split this post up into two distinct articles, but decided to lump them together so I wouldn't have any mini-posts. Note here as well that next week, I will be taking a break from posting as I gather more content to talk about. You will hear from me again in two weeks, however!
We can break "Execution" into two parts - the actual production of the newspaper, and the way the paper was displayed in the attic.
As for production, I printed through
Trixie Pix Graphics.
Now although their website is not very well done, and somewhat (perhaps very!) confusing, the end product was very high quality. Using the jpegs from my design showcased last week from Adobe InDesign, I was able to have my newspaper produced.
I bought the $39.95 two copy option with aged paper. Yes, the price is a bit steep. This is a bit of a downside. Like I said before though, the final outcome was good!
It was shipped in a protective hard envelope.
As for the display, as you have seen in my
Greywood Manor 2010 blog-post, you'll have seen that the newspaper was displayed alongside an image of Elizabeth Greywood on a decorative table.
This, however, had to be placed very close to the chain linked "barrier" that keeps guests from physically entering the scene. Tape was put on the back of the newspaper to prevent it from blowing away. Only the top half of the front cover of the newspaper was visible. Going back to the design, the only visible part that greatly needed to be read was the title of the newspaper, and the main article's headline "Greywood Mansion Haunted?" The rest was purely extra that just enhanced the storyline.
I'll end with one final thought on this project.
Yes, it did take a lot of time, effort, and drive to create this insanely detailed prop, but it was well worth it. I spotted many a trick-or-treaters reading the newspaper Halloween night, and that brought a smile to my face. A great bit of magic from Halloween and Greywood Manor!